Exhibitor FAQ

What is included in my booth package?

Freeman, the show contractor, will provide your booth package – here is the diagram and items included.

Does my booth include electric?

Your booth includes halogen lighting. If you require an electrical outlet to charge phones, laptops, etc., you will need to order from the Metropolitan Service Center. The fee is $250 + tax for two days and the order form is in the Exhibitor Service Kit.

What is the move-in/move out schedule?

Exhibitor Move-In & Move-Out will be announced closer to the show.

What are the show hours?

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 | 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
(Welcome Reception | 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM)
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 | 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Can I ship directly to the Metropolitan Pavilion?

Yes! Freeman will receive shipments at the Metropolitan Pavilion beginning on Monday, May 8, 2023. Shipments arriving before this date may be refused by the venue. Any charges incurred for early freight accepted by the facility or for multiple delivery attempts will be the responsibility of the exhibitor.

Metropolitan Pavilion
125 W 18th St
C/O Freeman
New York,  NY  10011,  USA

Can I ship ahead of time to the Freeman Warehouse?

Yes! Freeman will accept crated, boxed, or skidded materials at their warehouse beginning Friday, April 7, 2023 at the above address. Material arriving after Thursday, April 27, 2023, will be received at the warehouse with an additional after deadline charge.  Please refer to the Exhibitor Service Kit, page 7 for additional info and shipping labels.

140 Central Ave, Ste 130
C/O Freeman
Kearny,  NJ  07032,  USA

Who can I contact with questions regarding set up?

You may contact the Freeman Exhibitor Support at 888-508-5054 or SURTEX Operations Director, Tim Berry at [email protected] or call 617-272-5703.

Can I order extra tables & chairs and other items?

Yes! You may order online through Freeman – order forms are in the Exhibitor Service Kit. You also have the option to bring in your own.

Will Food and Beverage be available at the show?

Show management is working to engage caterers to offer food & beverages on site – in addition, there are local eateries in the immediate vicinity.

Will there be storage available on site?

Yes, there will be limited storage available and a Coat Check area.

Can I purchase or rent the Attendee/Buyer List?

No, due to privacy laws, we do not rent or offer the Attendee/buyer list. Nor do we rent the Exhibitor List.  If you are solicited with such an offer, these are not affiliated with SURTEX in any way, so please do not engage.