Brand-new to the Emerald Expositions team — she came on board just this month — Michele Langer has yet to see a SURTEX production in the real. But she comes armed with a wealth of experience and expertise in producing other trade shows and promoting a variety of industries.
Michele’s career in marketing communications and public relations has already taken her inside a gamut of B2B businesses, including home decor, high-fashion eyewear, and LED lighting products.
A graduate of New York University who believes New York City is the “nexus of design, fashion and art,” Michele was into marketing early-on in her career, first at hfn — the notable to-the-trade magazine for the home furnishing business now owned by Progressive (with whom Emerald has established marketing partnerships for SURTEX and other shows).
Then Michele went on to American Business Media, overseeing professional development programs for B2B pros. Next, she joined BizBash Media to create marketing campaigns for regional expos and conferences produced for special events/meeting professionals.
Then came nearly three years at BtoB Magazine, itself the bible for B2B marketing professionals, now folded into the industry behemoth Advertising Age.
Joining Emerald and working on SURTEX holds a special appeal, Michele says. “I have a deep appreciation for the business of art and design, and the importance of bringing buyers and artists together.
“One of our missions is to expand our social media presence and give attendees and exhibitors more opportunities to engage before the show.” The goal, Michele points out, “is leveraging us in new ways to begin building relationships with each other.”