Building excitement! SURTEX is less than two months away, and as you prepare for the show, we at Emerald Expositions are busy working behind the scenes to ensure an exciting experience for you.
Just being involved in the planning for an event like SURTEX is pretty darn thrilling…which is one reason we do what we do. As show organizers, we get to see our efforts – some, years long in the planning — finally pay off for both exhibitors and attendees. Obviously, it’s a lot of work, but, oh, how rewarding.
You artists love what you do. And no wonder. Not only do you get excited, first, about the idea in your head, then about the finished design; eventually you get to see it come to fruition on a finished product. That has to be totally rewarding.
The same goes for the manufacturers and retailers who can look at the art and design on display at SURTEX and envision it on a wealth of future products of many kinds.
It’s why you do what you do…just like those of us who produce the show where it all happens. We are excited about all that opportunity on display for everyone, under one roof, and at one time. There’s no place else like it.
Nor has it ever been easier for exhibitors and attendees to find each other at SURTEX. Our new matchmaking tool, available on, is ready to serve exhibitors and attendees alike. Now you can find each other and set up appointments with a stroke on your keypad. Talk about putting the world of surface design success at your very fingertips!