Introducing Michelle
Hello On The Surface subscribers! I’m Michelle Fifis, founder of Pattern Observer and The Textile Design Lab. In my own work, I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of designers in developing their businesses and grow their expertise. I am delighted and honored that SURTEX® has invited me to host their newsletter for the next few months.
For the past fifteen years, I’ve been involved in the textile design industry in a variety of roles—from in-house textile designer at Jantzen Swimwear and Columbia Sportswear, to freelance textile design, education, and mentorship. My work has connected me with many amazing designers, from those who are just building their first portfolios and websites, to industry veterans who want to adapt to a changing, growing industry.
What I have learned so far is that both designers and buyers have a shared goal: to connect—even though we approach that goal from two very different perspectives. We all want to make that point of contact, to find the right fit for our project, to find the client who will take our art and open it up to the world.
The new year is a great time to reflect on the successes of 2017, take stock of what worked in our businesses, and consider how we can build upon these wins. I’ve been taking the opportunity to reconnect with my brand, my creativity, and my goals for the upcoming year. Here are some starting points in your own exploration as you prepare for 2018:
For Designers
- What client, partner, or project brought you joy this past year?
- What was it about this particular project that was so fulfilling? Was it the connection that you felt with the client or partner, or a trend or artistic style that you enjoyed pursuing?
- What actions can you take to ensure that you have more projects like this in the upcoming year?
- In what ways did you challenge yourself? In what ways have you gained in confidence and skill?
- What things didn’t work? What can you learn from them?
- Are your branding and marketing efforts working together to attract your ideal client, partner or project?
For Buyers and Licensees
- What artwork resonated with your customers in 2017?
- What sales data or social media statistics can you look at to see what resonated with your customers?
- Why do you think this product or artwork performed so well? Was it the artistic style? Was it the color palette? Something else?
- How can you build upon this success in the upcoming year?
- What things didn’t work? What can you learn from them?