SURTEX 2017 Wrap up:
We hope you enjoyed the post-show edition of On The Surface; we’re taking a brief hiatus so this is our final issue following the 2017 show. As we prepare for 2018 (yes, preparation is already underway), On The Surface is scheduled to resume in the fall.
Please continue to stay in touch with SURTEX socially. If you have licensing deals or product developments that resulted in a success story, we’d love to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected]. On behalf of the SURTEX show team, we would like to thank our valued attendees and esteemed exhibitors for another successful show! Wishing you a great summer.
The SURTEX team,
Randi Mohr, VP & Group Show Director
Jill Campbell, VP Marketing
Awanda Booth, Sales Manager
Dianne Oplinger, Marketing Manager
Megan Ellis, Operations Manager
Rose Gilbert, Editor